
Wilanowska Metro Park


Wilanowska Metro Park is a 10-floor apartment building with modern and elegant architecture, realization of which is supervised by the engineers from BatiPlus Company, who perform the Owner’s construction supervision duties.

In the constructed building, 132 investment apartments are designed, with one or two rooms and living space from 21 to 57 m2. All the apartments have unique room glazing up to the entire height of the storey. Incredible design with non-regular shape, full of glass dormers, surrounded by high class facade materials, will add a special character to the building, which perfectly fits into the adjacent architecture.

This project is realized in Warsaw near Wilanowska Subway Station and the execution of two storeys for underground garages is additional challenge for the involved engineers.

The Company called WILANOWSKA METRO PARK Sp. z o.o. is the Investor for this Project, and this Company is a part of PARK PROJECTS GROUP, which has been operating on Polish market since year 1999. The Group focuses on high quality development projects, such as multi-residential apartment complexes, commercial-office facilities and medical centres.

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